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last edited
by PBworks 18 years, 5 months ago
The affix denoting actor: sing-er, pian-ist
| Original script | Phonetic transcript (IPA) | Mandarin | -人,-者 | -ɻən, -tʃə | Shanghainese | | | Cantonese | -人,-者 | -jan, -tse | Hakka | | | Minnan | | | Vietnamese | | | Korean | | | Japanese | -人,-者,-士 | -dzin,-ʃa,-ʃi | Spanish | -ador, -ista | -aðoɾ, -ista | Portuguese | -ador, -ista | -adoɾ, -istə | Italian | -atore (m), -atrice (f), -ista | -atore (m), -atritʃe (f), -ista | French | -eur ♂, -euse ♀, -eresse ♀, -rice ♀, -iste | -øʀ ♂, -øz ♀, -øʀes ♀, -ʀis ♀, -ist | English | -er, -ator, -ist | -ə(ɹ), -ətə(ɹ), -ist | German | -er (m), -erin (f), -ist | -əʀ, -əʀin, -ist | Polish | -nik | -nik | Ukrainian | | | Russian | -ник, -атор | -nik, -ator | Hungarian | | | Greek | | | Oromo | | | Amharic | ባለ-, -ኛ | balə-, -ɲ:a | Arabic | مُ- | mu- | Turkish | -çi, -ci | -tʃi, -dʒi | Persian | | | Panjabi | | | Urdu | | | Hindi | | -ʋala, -ika, -ari, mu- | Bangla | | | Marathi | | | Gujarati | | | Telugu | | | Tamil | | | Burmese | | | Thai | | | Indonesian | pe- | pe- | Javanese | | | Tagalog | | | Mandingo | | | Fulfulde | | | Hausa | | | Yoruba | oní- | oni- | Igbo | onye- | oɲe- | kiKongo | | | kinyaRwanda | | | kiSwahili | | | isiZulu | | | Quechua | | |
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